Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Be interesting... great article from Saatchi & Saatchi
From art film, to TV ad, to music video

I know we've all seen this sort of thing before - Fischli and Weiss, Der Lauf Der Dinge (The Way Things Go) video 1987 and the Honda ad, in 2003 but this really has taken it up a level - the synchronisation of audio with the flow of events, not to mention the camera work and direction is brilliant...

1 film everyday, for 1 year - New Balance 365

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Dubsteppers, dust + blackdown keeping me going today...

The Tate stays fresh... getting Tiny Tempah to talk about Chris Ofili's new work

Lovely little interactive piece from Julien Vallee and Nicolas Burrows...