Brilliantly Boring
I read a great article in the guardian this morning examining why a webcam focussed on a piece of maturing cheddar cheese has had over 803,414 since January 2007.
In my view, I feel that because we live in an ever more vibrant, colourful, faster world, it's actaully quite refreshing to stare at something quite inconsequential on the off chance something might happen to it. We live in a world 'just do it', 'colour like no other', 'kills more germs than any other cleaner' etc. There's pressure to sieze the day, live for the moment, because every second counds... well isn't it great sometimes to just forget all that and just sit and procrastinate for a bit and do something relentlessly meaningless... my personal favourite is, http://www.hencam.co.uk, a kind of soap opera for chickens - beats Eastenders anyday.
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