This is a great site for visual research - a social bookmarking site just for images...
These are the idle ramblings of Matthew Watts, Creative Director. I'll mostly be writing about digital advertising, however as this is my blog I'll be writing, pretty much, about anything that interests me...
i've just been handed a brief to come up with ideas for an xmas card for one of our clients... great (said in a massively sarcastic tone)... i've been trawling around for inspiration and have come across the usual rubbish featuring Father Christmas, Elves, snow, penguins!!? reindeer etc... finally I found this
ermm, sorry... this is a great movie, watching a Gorilla play the drums to 'In the Air Tonight is cool... but in no way does it make me want to buy Dairy Milk
I'd never been a massive Dali fan over the years - seeing all those melting clocks stuck on mugs and t-shirts had made me a bit desensitised to the whole thing. Yesterday however, I went to see the Dali exhibition that's running at the Tate Modern and thought it was great. There's a really wide range of work to see and from this you can really get an understandiing of Dali and his influences... here's his film 'Un Chien Andalou... beware not for the feint hearted!
Yes!... it's one thing thinking about it, but actually doing it is another thing all together... brilliant!