oh yes... the Burger King king still got it!
These are the idle ramblings of Matthew Watts, Creative Director. I'll mostly be writing about digital advertising, however as this is my blog I'll be writing, pretty much, about anything that interests me...
After being confronted with a load of stuffed animals at Spitalfield Market today - I remembered this classic from TV show 'That's Life'
A brand that has actually taken the time to listen to it's audience/customer and bothered to reply... this is great.
I shamelessly stole this link from:
I can't believe that this ad has caused offense to gay people at all, there is certainly no reference to homosexuality here - unless the implication is that anyone wearing tight shorts and participating in speed walking is a clear indication of being gay? Surely not!
I'd say this is more a case of projection by a small minority of busy body fuckwits, who don't live in the real world....
I really like this interactive movie on YouTube, reminds of those fantasy/adventure books that asked readers to turn to a certain page depending on what decision they made...
A Ford Granada, Jags, big side burns, wide lapels, revolver pistols, (not Desert Eagle's), police brutality, and a massive dollop of sexism... I happened to catch an old episode of the Sweeney this weekend and was reminded how iconic the title sequence was... were the 70's really like this!?
I've been listening to the new Santogold album and was reminded of this ska classic...