Wednesday, July 23, 2008

After a conversation with a colleague, I was reminded of those old skool rave days - about 2 mins investigation on Youtube later, I've unlocked a box I can not shut!! Here's the tunes of my time...

I'd just started listening to Colin Dale's abstract dance hour on Kiss and this was the first tune I ever heard of it's kind... check the Led Zep sample and the 'alert' sound from Star Trek!

Joey Beltram
The Omen

ACEN - Close Your Eyes
Check for Beatles sample!

Joey Beltram
Energy Flash

4 hero - where's the boy remix

Project One - Smokin'

Project 1 - Smokin' Chalice

Human Resource - Dominator

I could be here all day, so i'll leave it that... remember 'hardcore you know the score!'

p.s. Last one...

Urban Shakedown -Some Justice

Just been looking at what fashion brands are doing online and the latest offering from Chanel really has to be the best in class... this site brings you a close as you can get to fashion show without actually being there.... both stylish, luxurious in it's scale and execution.,0
Pot Noodle: The Musical

Mother have extended their ideas for Pot Noodle into a musical.... brilliant!§ionName=from_creativity

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

World Vision Ad

Charity ads never really do it for me - all those pleading faces and tales of woe just don't evoke any emotion in me. Maybe it's because we've seen it all a million times before.

However, this ad for World Vision really got to me. Beautifully shot, it really brings home the message that 'Each day over 1.1 billion people have to wash with, bathe in and drink dirty water'. In fact it's because the ad is shot in the home that it creates such an impact. We're not thousands of miles away in some poor distant country, but in our very own kitchen... to close for comfort... especially the last scene!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Been thinking about Twitter and it's suitability for spontaneous prose... Burroughs, Kerouac and Ginsberg
were big on this so I'm gonna just post random lines of text from their work and see what happens...

Here's a great little invention... a jam jar with two lids. No more scraping around at the bottom trying to get that last little bit of jam out for your toast in the morning...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

My thought for the day: Russell Brand should be the new Dr. Who... who better than the qucik witted, reformed junky to add a slice of risk and panache to the role!?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

CHOOSE YOUR PATH - The game where YOU control my fate!

I really like this interactive movie on YouTube, reminds of those fantasy/adventure books that asked readers to turn to a certain page depending on what decision they made...

Monday, July 07, 2008

The title says it all really, but English graf artist 'Moose' creates his art by removing dirt, rather than adding paint...

The Sweeney Titles

A Ford Granada, Jags, big side burns, wide lapels, revolver pistols, (not Desert Eagle's), police brutality, and a massive dollop of sexism... I happened to catch an old episode of the Sweeney this weekend and was reminded how iconic the title sequence was... were the 70's really like this!?

It's been a long time since I have posted... largely due to the amount of work I've got on at the moment, and once you get out of the habit of writing it's damn hard to get back into it... so my pledge to myself is to get back on it again!